Fresno Beer Litigation Website

If You Were a Retailer in Fresno or Madera Counties Between October 10, 2010 and December 31, 2014 and Purchased Anheuser-Busch Beer from Donaghy Sales LLC,
a Settlement Has Been Reached that May Affect Your Rights

The name of the lawsuit is Manmohan Dhillon, et al. v. Anheuser-Busch, LLC et al. CASE NO. 14CECG03039 JMS (Sup. Ct. Fresno County). The lawsuit contends that between October 10, 2010 and December 31, 2014, A-B and Donaghy allegedly violated beer pricing and other laws by allegedly discriminating in the wholesale prices Donaghy charged to beer retailers in Fresno and Madera counties through the distribution of consumer coupons to retailers. A-B and Donaghy deny all wrongdoing and liability. The parties agreed to resolve the case before these issues were decided by the Court.

On May 21, 2024, the Court issued an order certifying this case as a class action for Settlement Purposes, defining the Class as follows:

All persons who owned retail business establishments in Fresno and Madera Counties classified in the Donaghy sales database within one of the following channel descriptions and channel id numbers (“Cid#”): a) Convenience/Cid# 190; b) Oil and Service/Cid# 195; c) Grocery/Cid# 265; d) Gas and Convenience/Cid# 294; e) Package Liquor/Cid# 200; f) Mom and Pop/Cid# 175; g) Deli/Cid# 180; h) Bodega/Cid# 185; and i) Package Liquor/Cid# 290, and which purchased from Donaghy beer manufactured and/or sold by Anheuser-Busch during the period from October 10, 2010 through December 31, 2014 excluding Vikram and Vinay Vohra and Hardeep Singh and all entities owned, controlled by or affiliated with any of them.

Please read the full Notice for more information.

If you received a post card notification of this lawsuit with a claim identification number, you are within the class. You may be in the class even if you did not receive a postcard notice - if you purchased as a retailer AB beer from Donaghy between October 10, 2010 and December 31, 2014 and you fall within the definition above. If you were a beer retailer in Fresno and Madera Counties and purchased A-B beer from Donaghy between October 10, 2010 and December 31, 2014 and you are unsure whether you fell into one of these Donaghy sales category descriptions, you can inquire with the Settlement Administrator by emailing [email protected] or calling 1-888-352-1373.

Your Legal Rights and Options

Submit A Claim Form To Receive A Settlement Award

To receive a settlement award, You need only enter the information requested in the claim form and electronically sign the online Claim Form.  Or you may request that a Claim Form be mailed to you or access a blank Claim Form here and download it and mail it as filled out by your to the Settlement Administrator at the address provided on the Claim Form. You must submit your claim by September 20, 2024.  If you submit your Claim, you give up your right to sue defendants concerning the legal claims in this lawsuit, and you will be bound by the result in this lawsuit.

 No later than:

September 20, 2024

Object to Settlement

Write to the Court about why you do not like the proposed settlement.

No later than:

September 6, 2024

Exclude Yourself From Settlement

Ask to opt out of the settlement. If you opt out, you are not entitled to any settlement benefits, but you keep your right to sue A-B and Donaghy in your own personal lawsuit. If you do not opt out of the settlement, you will be bound by the result of this lawsuit.

If you opt out of the settlement, you cannot object to the settlement.

No later than:

September 20, 2024